Craterpy API Documentation

CraterpyDataset object

class craterpy.dataset.CraterpyDataset(dataset, nlat=None, slat=None, wlon=None, elon=None, radius=None, xres=None, yres=None)[source]

The CraterpyDataset reads in images with the rasterio dataset.

If the input file is georeferenced, the geographical bounds and transform will be read automatically. Otherwise, all attributes must be passed in the constructor.

Inherits all attributes and methods of an open rasterio.DatasetReader (see

nlat, slat, wlon, elon

North, south, west, and east bounds of dataset [degrees].


int or float


Radius of the planetary body [km].


int or float


Resolution of dataset in [pixels per degree].


int or float


>>> import os.path as p
>>> datadir = p.join(p.dirname(p.abspath('__file__')), 'craterpy', 'data')
>>> dsfile = p.join(datadir, 'moon.tif')
>>> ds = CraterpyDataset(dsfile, radius=1737)
>>> ds.get_roi(-27.6, -27.0, 80.5, 81.1).shape
(2, 2)

Return the ground resolution in meters/pixel at the given latitude.

Due to stretching towards the poles in the simple-cylindrical projection, mpp resolution is latitude-dependent.


lat (int or float) – Latitude (Default is 0, the equator).


>>> import os.path as p
>>> datadir = p.join(p.dirname(p.abspath('__file__')), 'craterpy', 'data')
>>> dsfile = p.join(datadir, 'moon.tif')
>>> ds = CraterpyDataset(dsfile, radius=1737)
>>> '{:.1f}'.format(ds.calc_mpp())
>>> '{:.1f}'.format(ds.calc_mpp(50))
inbounds(lat, lon)[source]

Return True if (lat, lon) point in Dataset bounds.

  • lat (int or float) – Latitude [degrees].

  • lon (int or float) – Longitude [degrees].


>>> import os.path as p
>>> datadir = p.join(p.dirname(p.abspath('__file__')), 'craterpy', 'data')
>>> dsfile = p.join(datadir, 'moon.tif')
>>> ds = CraterpyDataset(dsfile, nlat=20, slat=0, wlon=10, elon=20)
>>> ds.inbounds(10, 15)
>>> ds.inbounds(10, 200)
>>> ds = CraterpyDataset(dsfile, nlat=20, slat=0, wlon=-180, elon=180)
>>> ds.inbounds(10, 15)
>>> ds.inbounds(10, 200)

Check if dataset has 360 degrees of longitude.


>>> import os.path as p
>>> datadir = p.join(p.dirname(p.abspath('__file__')), 'craterpy', 'data')
>>> dsfile = p.join(datadir, 'moon.tif')
>>> ds = CraterpyDataset(dsfile, radius=1737)
>>> ds.is_global()
get_roi(minlon, maxlon, minlat, maxlat)[source]

Return numpy array of data specified by its geographical bounds

  • minlon (int or float) – Western longitude bound [degrees].

  • maxlon (int or float) – Eastern longitude bound [degrees].

  • minlat (int or float) – Southern latitude bound [degrees].

  • maxlat (int or float) – Northern latitude bound [degrees].


roi – Numpy array specified by extent given.

Return type

numpy 2D array


>>> import os.path as p
>>> datadir = p.join(p.dirname(p.abspath('__file__')), 'craterpy', 'data')
>>> dsfile = p.join(datadir, 'moon.tif')
>>> ds = CraterpyDataset(dsfile, radius=1737)
>>> ds.get_roi(-27.6, -27.0, 80.5, 81.1).shape
(2, 2)

CraterpyRoi object

class craterpy.roi.CraterRoi(cds, lat, lon, rad, wsize=1, plot=False)[source]

The CraterRoi contains a region of interest of image data for a crater.

The CraterRoi reads in a 2D numpy array of data from the CraterpyDataset cds and stores it in the roi attribute. The roi is centered on lat, lon of the specified crater, and extends to rad*wsize from the center.


CraterDataset to read roi from.



lat, lon, radius

Center latitude and longitude of the crater and this roi [degrees].


int or float


Radius of the crater [km].


int or float


Size of window around crater [crater radii].


int or float


2D numpy array region of interest centered on crater.




North lat, south lat, west lon, and east lon bounds of roi [degrees].


list of float


>>> import os.path as p
>>> datadir = p.join(p.dirname(p.abspath('__file__')), 'examples')
>>> dsfile = p.join(datadir, 'moon.tif')
>>> cds = CraterpyDataset(dsfile, radius=1737)
>>> croi = CraterRoi(cds, -27.2, 80.9, 207)  # Humboldt crater
filter(vmin=- inf, vmax=inf, strict=False, nodata=nan)[source]

Filter roi to the inclusive range [vmin, vmax].

You can specify only vmin or vmax if only a lower bound/upper bound is required. Set strict to True to exclude vmin and vmax, i.e. keep data in the exclusive interval (vmin, vmax). The nodata value replaces filtered pixels. It defaults to np.nan.

  • vmin (int or float) – Minimum value to keep (default -inf, no lower bound).

  • vmax (int or float) – Maximum value to keep (default inf, no upper bound).

  • strict (bool) – Keep values strictly greater and strictly less than vmin, vmax (default False).

  • nodata (int or float) – Number to fill in filtered values (default np.nan).


>>> croi.filter(0, 1)  # keep data in range (0 < data < 1)
>>> croi.filter(0, 1, True)  # keep data in range ( <= data <= 1)
>>> croi.filter(vmax=20)  # keep data < 20
mask(mask, outside=False, fillvalue=nan)[source]

Fill pixels in bool mask from with fillvalue.

  • mask (2D array) – Mask of this roi from

  • outside (bool) – Mask outside the area in mask (default False).

  • fillvalue (int or float) – Number to fill in masked values (default np.nan).

plot(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Plot this CraterRoi. See plotting.plot_CraterRoi()


Save roi to file given by fname

Craterpy stats Module

Compute stats on CraterRoi objects.

craterpy.stats.ejecta_profile_stats(df, cds, ejrad=2, rspacing=0.25, stats=None, plot_roi=False, vmin=None, vmax=None, strict=False, savepath=None, timer=False, dt=60)[source]

Compute stat profiles across ejecta blankets by computing stats in a series of concentric rings beginning at the crater rim and extending to ejrad crater radii from the crater centre. Each ring is rspacing thick and the crater floor is excluded. Output is a dictionary of cdf.index values to pandas.DataFrame of stats containing the computed stats as columns and ring radius as rows.


stat_df – Dictionary of stats with cdf index as keys and pandas.DataFrame of statistics as values (see example).

Return type

dict of (index: pandas.DataFrame)


>>> compute_ejecta_profile_stats(my_df, my_cds, 2, 0.25, stats=['mean',

radius,mean,median,maximum 1, 55, 45, 70 1.25, 50, 40, 65 1.5, 35, 35, 45 1.75, 30, 33, 42

craterpy.stats.compute_stats(df, cds, stats=None, plot=False, save=False, prefix='', vmin=- inf, vmax=inf, strict=False, maskfunc=None, mask_out=False, ejrad=None, buffer=1, verbosity=1)[source]

Computes stats on craters in df with image data from cds.

craterpy.stats.crater_stats(df, cds, stats=None, plot=False, vmin=- inf, vmax=inf, strict=False, verbosity=1)[source]

Computes stats on all craters in df using image data from cds

Crater latitude, longitude, and radius are read in from df. All stats are computed assuming a circular crater centered on (lat, lon). Stats must be present in

  • df (pandas.DataFrame object) – Contains the crater locations and sizes to locate ROIs in aceDS. Also form the basis of the returned DataFrame

  • cds (CraterpyDataset object) – CraterpyDataset of image data used to compute stats.

  • stats (Array-like of str) – Indicates the stat names to compute. Stat functions must be defined in Default: all stats in

  • plot (bool) – Plot the ejecta ROI.

  • vmin (int, float) – The minimum valid image pixel value. Filter all values lower.

  • vmax (int, float) – The maximum valid image pixel value. Filter all values higher.

  • strict (bool) – How strict the (vmin, vmax) range is. If true, exclude values <= vmin and values >= vmax, if they are specified.


Copy of df with stats appended as new columns.

Return type


craterpy.stats.ejecta_stats(df, cds, ejrad=2, buffer=1, stats=None, plot=None, save=None, prefix=None, vmin=- inf, vmax=inf, strict=False, verbosity=1)[source]

Compute the specified stats from on a circular ejecta ROI extending ejsize crater radii from the crater center. Return results as DataFrame with stats appended as extra columns.

  • df (pandas.DataFrame object) – Contains the crater locations and sizes to locate ROIs in aceDS. Also form the basis of the returned DataFrame

  • cds (CraterpyDataset object) – CraterpyDataset of image data used to compute stats.

  • ejrad (int, float) – The radius of ejecta blanket measured in crater radii from the crater center to the ejecta extent.

  • buffer (int, float) – Extra buffer around crater rim to mask (multiplicative factor of crater radius). Defaults to 1 (no extra buffer).

  • stats (Array-like of str) – Indicates the stat names to compute. Stat functions must be defined in Default: all stats in

  • plot (bool) – Plot the ejecta ROI.

  • vmin (int, float) – The minimum valid image pixel value. Filter all values lower.

  • vmax (int, float) – The maximum valid image pixel value. Filter all values higher.

  • strict (bool) – How strict the (vmin, vmax) range is. If true, exclude values <= vmin and values >= vmax, if they are specified.


Copy of df with stats appended as new columns.

Return type


craterpy.stats.histogram(roi, bins, hmin=None, hmax=None, skew=False, verbose=False, **kwargs)[source]

Return histogram, bins of histogram computed on ROI. See np.histogram for full usage and optional parameters. Set verbose=True to print a summary of the statistics.

Craterpy masking module

Mask CraterRoi objects.

craterpy.masking.circle_mask(shape, radius, center=None)[source]

Return boolean array of True inside circle of radius at center.

  • shape (tuple of int) – Shape of output boolean mask array of the form (ysize, xsize).

  • radius (int or float) – Radius of circle [pixels].

  • center (tuple of int) – Two element tuple of (yindex, xindex) of circle center (defaults to center of the mask).



Return type

numpy 2D array


>>> circle_mask((3,3), 1)
array([[False,  True, False],
       [ True,  True,  True],
       [False,  True, False]], dtype=bool)
>>> circle_mask((3,3), 1, center=(1, 2))
array([[False, False,  True],
       [False,  True,  True],
       [False, False,  True]], dtype=bool)
craterpy.masking.ellipse_mask(shape, ysize, xsize, center=None)[source]

Return numpy 2D boolean array of True inside ellipse.

  • shape (tuple of int) – Shape of output boolean mask array of the form (ysize, xsize).

  • ysize (int or float) – Vertical semi-axis [pixels].

  • xsize (int or float) – Horizontal semi-axis [pixels].

  • center (tuple of int) – Two element tuple of (yindex, xindex) of ellipse center (defautls to center of the mask).



Return type

numpy 2D array


>>> ellipse_mask((4,5), 1.5, 3)
array([[False, False,  True, False, False],
       [ True,  True,  True,  True,  True],
       [ True,  True,  True,  True,  True],
       [False, False,  True, False, False]], dtype=bool)
>>> ellipse_mask((4,5), 1.5, 3, center=(1.5, 3))
array([[False, False, False,  True, False],
       [False,  True,  True,  True,  True],
       [False,  True,  True,  True,  True],
       [False, False, False,  True, False]], dtype=bool)
craterpy.masking.ring_mask(shape, rmin, rmax, center=None)[source]

Return bool array of True in a circular ring from rmin to rmax.

  • shape (tuple of int) – Shape of output boolean mask array of the form (ysize, xsize).

  • rmin (int or float) – Inner ring radius [pixels].

  • rmax (int or float) – Outer ring radius [pixels].

  • center (tuple of int) – Two element tuple of (yindex, xindex) of ellipse center (defautls to center of the mask).



Return type

numpy 2D array


>>> ring_mask((5,5), 1, 2)
array([[False, False,  True, False, False],
       [False,  True, False,  True, False],
       [ True, False, False, False,  True],
       [False,  True, False,  True, False],
       [False, False,  True, False, False]], dtype=bool)
>>> ring_mask((5,5), 0.5, 1.5)
array([[False, False, False, False, False],
       [False,  True,  True,  True, False],
       [False,  True, False,  True, False],
       [False,  True,  True,  True, False],
       [False, False, False, False, False]], dtype=bool)
craterpy.masking.crater_floor_mask(croi, buffer=1)[source]

Return bool mask of interior of a crater in a CraterRoi.

  • croi (CraterRoi) – Crater region of interest specifying crater to mask

  • buffer (int or float) – Extra buffer around crater rim to mask (multiplicative factor of crad)



Return type

numpy 2D array


craterpy.masking.crater_ring_mask(croi, rmin, rmax)[source]

Return bool mask of interior of a ring aroun a crater in a CraterRoi.

Ring is calculated by subtracting an inner ellipse mask from an outer ellipse mask which are specified by rmin and rmax, respectively.

  • croi (CraterRoi) – Crater region of interest specifying crater to mask

  • rmin (int or float) – Inner ring radius [km].

  • rmax (int or float) – Outer ring radius [km].



Return type

numpy 2D array


craterpy.masking.polygon_mask(croi, poly_verts)[source]

Mask the region inside a polygon given by poly_verts.

Uses the matplotlib.Path module and included contains_points() method to calculate the interior of a polygon specified as a list of (lat, lon) vertices.

  • croi (CraterRoi) – Crater region of interest being masked.

  • poly_verts (list of tuple) – List of (lon, lat) polygon vertices.



Return type

numpy 2D array


>>> import os.path as p
>>> f = p.join(p.dirname(p.abspath('__file__')), 'examples', 'moon.tif')
>>> cds = CraterpyDataset(f, radius=1737)
>>> croi = CraterRoi(cds, -27.2, 80.9, 207)  # Humboldt crater
>>> poly = [[-27.5, 80.5], [-28, 80.5], [-28, 81], [-27.5, 81]]
>>> mask = polygon_mask(cds, roi, extent, poly)
>>> croi.mask(mask)
>>> croi.plot()

Craterpy plotting module

This file contains helper functions for plotting.

craterpy.plotting.plot_CraterRoi(croi, figsize=(4, 4), title=None, cmap='gray', **kwargs)[source]

Plot 2D CraterRoi.

The plot offers limited arguments for basic customization. It is further customizable by supplying valid matplotlib.imshow() keyword-arguments. See matplotlib.imshow for full documentation.

  • roi (CraterRoi object) – 2D CraterRoi to plot.

  • figsize (tuple) – Length and width of plot in inches (default 4in x 4in).

  • title (str) – Plot title.

  • cmap (str) – Color map to plot (default ‘gray’). See for full list.

Other Parameters

**kwargs (object) – Keyword arguments to pass to imshow. See matplotlib.pyplot.imshow

Craterpy helper functions