Source code for craterpy.dataset

"""Contains the CraterpyDataset object which wraps rasterio."""
import warnings
import numpy as np
import rasterio as rio
import craterpy.helper as ch
import craterpy.roi as croi

[docs]class CraterpyDataset: """The CraterpyDataset reads in images with the rasterio dataset. If the input file is georeferenced, the geographical bounds and transform will be read automatically. Otherwise, all attributes must be passed in the constructor. Inherits all attributes and methods of an open rasterio.DatasetReader (see Attributes ---------- nlat, slat, wlon, elon : int or float North, south, west, and east bounds of dataset [degrees]. radius : int or float Radius of the planetary body [km]. ppd : int or float Resolution of dataset in [pixels per degree]. Examples -------- >>> import os.path as p >>> datadir = p.join(p.dirname(p.abspath('__file__')), 'craterpy', 'data') >>> dsfile = p.join(datadir, 'moon.tif') >>> ds = CraterpyDataset(dsfile, radius=1737) >>> ds.get_roi(-27.6, -27.0, 80.5, 81.1).shape (2, 2) """ def __init__( self, dataset, nlat=None, slat=None, wlon=None, elon=None, radius=None, xres=None, yres=None, ): """Initialize CraterpyDataset object.""" with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: self._rioDataset = if w and isinstance(w[0].message, rio.errors.NotGeoreferencedWarning): self.transform = () args = [nlat, slat, wlon, elon, radius, xres, yres] attrs = ["nlat", "slat", "wlon", "elon", "radius", "xres", "yres"] if not self.transform and any(a is None for a in args[:4]): msg = ( "No geotransform detected. Please specify nlat, slat," + "wlon, elon, and planet radius for CraterpyDataset." ) raise ImportError(msg) geotags = [None] * len(args) if self.transform: geotags = self._get_geotiff_info() # Attempt to read geotiff tags for arg, attr, geotag in zip(args, attrs, geotags): if arg is None: # Get missing attrs from geotiff tags setattr(self, attr, geotag) else: # If argument is supplied, override geotiff tags setattr(self, attr, arg) if getattr(self, "xres") is None: self.xres = self.width / (self.elon - self.wlon) if getattr(self, "yres") is None: self.yres = self.xres self.latarr = np.linspace(self.nlat, self.slat, self.height) self.lonarr = np.linspace(self.wlon, self.elon, self.width) def __getattr__(self, name): """Wraps the self._rioDataset DatasetReader object.""" if name in self.__dict__: return getattr(self, name) return getattr(self._rioDataset, name) def __repr__(self): """Representation of CraterpyDataset with attribute info""" attrs = ( self.nlat, self.slat, self.wlon, self.elon, self.radius, self.xres, self.yres, ) rep = "CraterpyDataset with extent ({}N, {}N), ".format(*attrs[:2]) rep += "({}E, {}E), radius {} km, ".format(*attrs[2:5]) rep += "xres {} ppd, and yres {} ppd".format(*attrs[5:7]) return rep def _get_geotiff_info(self): """Get geotiff info from self._rioDataset, if it exists. Returns ------- nlat : int or float North latitude [degrees]. slat : int or float South latitude [degrees]. wlon : int or float West longitude [degrees]. elon : int or float East longitude [degrees]. xres : float Longitude resolution [pixels/degree]. yres : float Latitude resolution [pixels/degree]. radius : float Radius of body [km] Examples -------- >>> import os.path as p >>> datadir = p.join(p.dirname(p.abspath('__file__')), 'craterpy', 'data') >>> dsfile = p.join(datadir, 'moon.tif') >>> ds = CraterpyDataset(dsfile) >>> ds._get_geotiff_info() (90.0, -90.0, -180.0, 180.0, 6378.137, 4.0, 4.0) """ nlat = slat = wlon = elon = xres = yres = radius = None # print(hasattr(self, 'transform')) width, height = self.width, self.height transform = self.transform wlon, nlat = transform * (0, 0) elon, slat = transform * (width, height) xres = 1 / transform[0] yres = -1 / transform[4] if hasattr(, "wkt"): radius = 0.001 * ch.get_spheroid_rad_from_wkt( return nlat, slat, wlon, elon, radius, xres, yres
[docs] def calc_mpp(self, lat=0): """Return the ground resolution in meters/pixel at the given latitude. Due to stretching towards the poles in the simple-cylindrical projection, mpp resolution is latitude-dependent. Parameters ---------- lat: int or float Latitude (Default is 0, the equator). Examples -------- >>> import os.path as p >>> datadir = p.join(p.dirname(p.abspath('__file__')), 'craterpy', 'data') >>> dsfile = p.join(datadir, 'moon.tif') >>> ds = CraterpyDataset(dsfile, radius=1737) >>> '{:.1f}'.format(ds.calc_mpp()) '7579.1' >>> '{:.1f}'.format(ds.calc_mpp(50)) '4871.7' """ if abs(lat) > 90: raise ValueError("Latitude out of bounds") # calculate circumference at lat in [m], divide by num pixels circ = 1000 * 2 * np.pi * self.radius * np.cos(np.radians(lat)) npix = 360 * self.xres # num pixels in one circumference [pix] return circ / npix # num meters in one pixel at lat [m]/[pix]
[docs] def inbounds(self, lat, lon): """Return True if (lat, lon) point in Dataset bounds. Parameters ---------- lat : int or float Latitude [degrees]. lon : int or float Longitude [degrees]. Examples -------- >>> import os.path as p >>> datadir = p.join(p.dirname(p.abspath('__file__')), 'craterpy', 'data') >>> dsfile = p.join(datadir, 'moon.tif') >>> ds = CraterpyDataset(dsfile, nlat=20, slat=0, wlon=10, elon=20) >>> ds.inbounds(10, 15) True >>> ds.inbounds(10, 200) False >>> ds = CraterpyDataset(dsfile, nlat=20, slat=0, wlon=-180, elon=180) >>> ds.inbounds(10, 15) True >>> ds.inbounds(10, 200) True """ if self.is_global(): return self.slat <= lat <= self.nlat return (self.slat <= lat <= self.nlat) and ( self.wlon <= lon <= self.elon )
[docs] def is_global(self): """ Check if dataset has 360 degrees of longitude. Examples -------- >>> import os.path as p >>> datadir = p.join(p.dirname(p.abspath('__file__')), 'craterpy', 'data') >>> dsfile = p.join(datadir, 'moon.tif') >>> ds = CraterpyDataset(dsfile, radius=1737) >>> ds.is_global() True """ return np.isclose(self.elon, self.wlon + 360)
[docs] def get_roi(self, minlon, maxlon, minlat, maxlat): """Return numpy array of data specified by its geographical bounds Parameters ---------- minlon : int or float Western longitude bound [degrees]. maxlon : int or float Eastern longitude bound [degrees]. minlat : int or float Southern latitude bound [degrees]. maxlat : int or float Northern latitude bound [degrees]. Returns ------- roi : numpy 2D array Numpy array specified by extent given. Examples -------- >>> import os.path as p >>> datadir = p.join(p.dirname(p.abspath('__file__')), 'craterpy', 'data') >>> dsfile = p.join(datadir, 'moon.tif') >>> ds = CraterpyDataset(dsfile, radius=1737) >>> ds.get_roi(-27.6, -27.0, 80.5, 81.1).shape (2, 2) """ return croi.get_roi_latlon(self, minlon, maxlon, minlat, maxlat)
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()