Source code for craterpy.masking

"""Mask CraterRoi objects."""
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.path import Path
import craterpy.helper as ch

[docs]def circle_mask(shape, radius, center=None): """Return boolean array of True inside circle of radius at center. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple of int Shape of output boolean mask array of the form (ysize, xsize). radius : int or float Radius of circle [pixels]. center : tuple of int Two element tuple of (yindex, xindex) of circle center (defaults to center of the mask). Returns ------- mask : numpy 2D array Examples -------- >>> circle_mask((3,3), 1) array([[False, True, False], [ True, True, True], [False, True, False]], dtype=bool) >>> circle_mask((3,3), 1, center=(1, 2)) array([[False, False, True], [False, True, True], [False, False, True]], dtype=bool) """ cy, cx = center if center else np.array(shape) / 2 - 0.5 height, width = shape x = np.arange(width) - cx y = np.arange(height).reshape(-1, 1) - cy return x * x + y * y <= radius * radius
[docs]def ellipse_mask(shape, ysize, xsize, center=None): """Return numpy 2D boolean array of True inside ellipse. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple of int Shape of output boolean mask array of the form (ysize, xsize). ysize : int or float Vertical semi-axis [pixels]. xsize : int or float Horizontal semi-axis [pixels]. center : tuple of int Two element tuple of (yindex, xindex) of ellipse center (defautls to center of the mask). Returns ------- mask : numpy 2D array Examples -------- >>> ellipse_mask((4,5), 1.5, 3) array([[False, False, True, False, False], [ True, True, True, True, True], [ True, True, True, True, True], [False, False, True, False, False]], dtype=bool) >>> ellipse_mask((4,5), 1.5, 3, center=(1.5, 3)) array([[False, False, False, True, False], [False, True, True, True, True], [False, True, True, True, True], [False, False, False, True, False]], dtype=bool) """ cy, cx = center if center else np.array(shape) / 2 - 0.5 height, width = shape y, x = np.ogrid[-cy : height - cy, -cx : width - cx] if (xsize != 0) and (ysize != 0): mask = (x * x) / (xsize * xsize) + (y * y) / (ysize * ysize) <= 1 else: mask = np.array((x + y) * 0, dtype=bool) return mask
[docs]def ring_mask(shape, rmin, rmax, center=None): """Return bool array of True in a circular ring from rmin to rmax. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple of int Shape of output boolean mask array of the form (ysize, xsize). rmin : int or float Inner ring radius [pixels]. rmax : int or float Outer ring radius [pixels]. center : tuple of int Two element tuple of (yindex, xindex) of ellipse center (defautls to center of the mask). Returns ------- mask : numpy 2D array Examples -------- >>> ring_mask((5,5), 1, 2) array([[False, False, True, False, False], [False, True, False, True, False], [ True, False, False, False, True], [False, True, False, True, False], [False, False, True, False, False]], dtype=bool) >>> ring_mask((5,5), 0.5, 1.5) array([[False, False, False, False, False], [False, True, True, True, False], [False, True, False, True, False], [False, True, True, True, False], [False, False, False, False, False]], dtype=bool) """ inner = circle_mask(shape, rmin, center) outer = circle_mask(shape, rmax, center) return outer * ~inner
[docs]def crater_floor_mask(croi, buffer=1): """Return bool mask of interior of a crater in a CraterRoi. Parameters ---------- croi : CraterRoi Crater region of interest specifying crater to mask buffer: int or float Extra buffer around crater rim to mask (multiplicative factor of crad) Returns ------- mask : numpy 2D array Examples -------- """ pixwidth = ch.km2pix(croi.rad * buffer, croi.cds.calc_mpp( pixheight = ch.km2pix(croi.rad * buffer, croi.cds.calc_mpp()) return ellipse_mask(croi.roi.shape, pixheight, pixwidth)
[docs]def crater_ring_mask(croi, rmin, rmax): """Return bool mask of interior of a ring aroun a crater in a CraterRoi. Ring is calculated by subtracting an inner ellipse mask from an outer ellipse mask which are specified by rmin and rmax, respectively. Parameters ---------- croi : CraterRoi Crater region of interest specifying crater to mask rmin : int or float Inner ring radius [km]. rmax : int or float Outer ring radius [km]. Returns ------- mask : numpy 2D array Examples -------- """ rmax_pixheight = ch.km2pix(rmax, croi.cds.calc_mpp()) rmax_pixwidth = ch.km2pix(rmax, croi.cds.calc_mpp( rmin_pixheight = ch.km2pix(rmin, croi.cds.calc_mpp()) rmin_pixwidth = ch.km2pix(rmin, croi.cds.calc_mpp( outer = ellipse_mask(croi.roi.shape, rmax_pixheight, rmax_pixwidth) inner = ellipse_mask(croi.roi.shape, rmin_pixheight, rmin_pixwidth) return outer * ~inner
[docs]def polygon_mask(croi, poly_verts): """Mask the region inside a polygon given by poly_verts. Uses the matplotlib.Path module and included contains_points() method to calculate the interior of a polygon specified as a list of (lat, lon) vertices. Parameters ========== croi : CraterRoi Crater region of interest being masked. poly_verts : list of tuple List of (lon, lat) polygon vertices. Returns ------- mask : numpy 2D array Example ======= >>> import os.path as p >>> f = p.join(p.dirname(p.abspath('__file__')), 'examples', 'moon.tif') >>> cds = CraterpyDataset(f, radius=1737) >>> croi = CraterRoi(cds, -27.2, 80.9, 207) # Humboldt crater >>> poly = [[-27.5, 80.5], [-28, 80.5], [-28, 81], [-27.5, 81]] >>> mask = polygon_mask(cds, roi, extent, poly) >>> croi.mask(mask) >>> croi.plot() """ minlon, _, minlat, _ = croi.extent # Create grid nlat, nlon = croi.roi.shape x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nlon), np.arange(nlat)) x, y = x.flatten(), y.flatten() gridpoints = np.vstack((x, y)).T poly_pix = [ ( ch.deg2pix(lon - minlon, croi.cds.xres), ch.deg2pix(lat - minlat, croi.cds.yres), ) for lon, lat in poly_verts ] path = Path(poly_pix) mask = path.contains_points(gridpoints).reshape((nlat, nlon)) return mask