Source code for craterpy.stats

"""Compute stats on CraterRoi objects."""
import inspect
import os.path as p
from timeit import default_timer
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from craterpy import quickstats as qs
from craterpy import helper as ch
from craterpy import masking
from craterpy.roi import CraterRoi

# quickstats helpers
def _list_quickstats():
    """Return names of all functions in quickstats."""
    quickstats = inspect.getmembers(qs, inspect.isfunction)
    return [q[0] for q in quickstats]

def _get_quickstats_functions(statlist=None):
    """Return specified functions from quickstats (default: all).

    statlist : str or list of str
        Must be names of functions defined in

    stat_funcs : list of list
        List of 2 element pairs of function names and functions.
        E.g. array( ['func name 1', <func1>], ['func name 2', <func2>], ...)

    >>> _getquickstats_functions(['mean', 'median'])
    >>> [['mean', <function>], ['median', <function>]]
    qs_list = _list_quickstats()
    if not statlist:
        statlist = qs_list
    elif isinstance(statlist, str):  # or isinstance(statlist, basestring):
        statlist = [statlist]
    invalid_stats = [stat for stat in statlist if stat not in qs_list]
    if invalid_stats:
        raise ValueError(
            "The following stats are not defined "
            + "in {}".format(invalid_stats)
    return [[stat, qs.__dict__[stat]] for stat in statlist]

# Main craterpy stat functions
[docs]def ejecta_profile_stats( df, cds, ejrad=2, rspacing=0.25, stats=None, plot_roi=False, vmin=None, vmax=None, strict=False, savepath=None, timer=False, dt=60, ): """Compute stat profiles across ejecta blankets by computing stats in a series of concentric rings beginning at the crater rim and extending to ejrad crater radii from the crater centre. Each ring is rspacing thick and the crater floor is excluded. Output is a dictionary of cdf.index values to pandas.DataFrame of stats containing the computed stats as columns and ring radius as rows. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- stat_df : dict of (index: pandas.DataFrame) Dictionary of stats with cdf index as keys and pandas.DataFrame of statistics as values (see example). Example ------- >>> compute_ejecta_profile_stats(my_df, my_cds, 2, 0.25, stats=['mean', 'median','maximum'],savepath='/tmp/') /tmp/index1_ejecta_stats.csv radius,mean,median,maximum 1, 55, 45, 70 1.25, 50, 40, 65 1.5, 35, 35, 45 1.75, 30, 33, 42 """ if timer: Tstart, Tnow = default_timer(), default_timer() count = 1 # count craters if savepath: savename = p.join(savepath, "{}_ejpstats.csv") if stats is None: stats = _list_quickstats() stat_dict = {} latcol, loncol, radcol = ch.get_crater_cols(df) for i in df.index: # Main DataFrame loop lat, lon, rad = df.loc[i, latcol], df.loc[i, loncol], df.loc[i, radcol] try: croi = CraterRoi(cds, lat, lon, rad, ejrad) ring_array = np.arange( 1, ejrad + rspacing, rspacing ) # inner radius ring_darray = ring_array * rad # convert inner radius to km stat_df = pd.DataFrame(index=ring_array[:-1], columns=stats) for j in range(len(ring_array) - 1): # Loop through radii rad_inner = ring_darray[j] rad_outer = ring_darray[j + 1] mask = masking.crater_ring_mask( cds, croi, lat, lon, rad_inner, rad_outer ) ejecta_roi = croi.mask(~mask).filter(vmin, vmax, strict) ejecta_roi = ejecta_roi[~np.isnan(ejecta_roi)] for stat, function in _get_quickstats_functions(stats): stat_df.loc[ring_array[j], stat] = function(ejecta_roi) if plot_roi: ejecta_roi.plot() stat_dict[i] = stat_df if savepath: stat_df.to_csv(savename.format(i)) except ImportError as e: # Catches and prints out of bounds exceptions print(e, ". Skipping....") if timer: # Print a status update approx every dt seconds if (default_timer() - Tnow > dt) or (count == len(df)): update = "Finished crater {} out of {}".format(count, len(df)) elapsed = default_timer() - Tstart update += "\n Time elapsed: \ {}h:{}m:{}s".format( int(elapsed // 3600), int((elapsed % 3600) // 60), round((elapsed % 3600) % 60, 2), ) print(update) Tnow = default_timer() count += 1 return stat_dict
[docs]def compute_stats( df, cds, stats=None, plot=False, save=False, prefix="", vmin=float("-inf"), vmax=float("inf"), strict=False, maskfunc=None, mask_out=False, ejrad=None, buffer=1, verbosity=1, ): """Computes stats on craters in df with image data from cds.""" # If stats and index not provided, assume use all stats and all rows in cdf if stats is None: stats = _list_quickstats() # Initialize return Dataframe with stats as individual columns ret_df = df.copy() for stat in stats: ret_df.loc[:, stat] = ret_df.index latcol, loncol, radcol = ch.get_crater_cols(df) # Main computation loop for i in df.index: # Get lat, lon, rad and compute roi for current crater lat, lon, rad = df.loc[i, latcol], df.loc[i, loncol], df.loc[i, radcol] try: # print(lat, lon, rad) croi = CraterRoi(cds, lat, lon, rad, ejrad) croi.filter(vmin, vmax, strict) if maskfunc: if maskfunc == "crater": mask = masking.crater_floor_mask(croi, buffer) elif maskfunc == "ejecta": mask = masking.crater_ring_mask( croi, rad * buffer, rad * ejrad ) croi.mask(mask, mask_out) data_arr = croi.roi[~np.isnan(croi.roi)] # Collapses to 1D for stat, function in _get_quickstats_functions(stats): ret_df.loc[i, stat] = function(data_arr) if plot: # plot filtered and masked roi croi.plot() if save: # save roi to csv: prefix_lat_lon_rad.csv fname = "{}croi_{:.3f}_{:.3f}_{:.3f}.csv".format( prefix, lat, lon, rad ) except ValueError as e: for stat, _ in _get_quickstats_functions(stats): ret_df.loc[i, stat] = np.nan if verbosity: print( "Exception '{}' skipping crater at ({}, {}) \ with radius {}".format( e, lat, lon, rad ) ) continue return ret_df
[docs]def crater_stats( df, cds, stats=None, plot=False, vmin=float("-inf"), vmax=float("inf"), strict=False, verbosity=1, ): """Computes stats on all craters in df using image data from cds Crater latitude, longitude, and radius are read in from df. All stats are computed assuming a circular crater centered on (lat, lon). Stats must be present in Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame object Contains the crater locations and sizes to locate ROIs in aceDS. Also form the basis of the returned DataFrame cds : CraterpyDataset object CraterpyDataset of image data used to compute stats. stats : Array-like of str Indicates the stat names to compute. Stat functions must be defined in Default: all stats in plot : bool Plot the ejecta ROI. vmin : int, float The minimum valid image pixel value. Filter all values lower. vmax : int, float The maximum valid image pixel value. Filter all values higher. strict : bool How strict the (vmin, vmax) range is. If true, exclude values <= vmin and values >= vmax, if they are specified. Returns ------- DataFrame Copy of df with stats appended as new columns. """ return compute_stats( df, cds, stats, plot, vmin, vmax, strict, maskfunc="crater", mask_out=True, verbosity=verbosity, )
[docs]def ejecta_stats( df, cds, ejrad=2, buffer=1, stats=None, plot=None, save=None, prefix=None, vmin=float("-inf"), vmax=float("inf"), strict=False, verbosity=1, ): """Compute the specified stats from on a circular ejecta ROI extending ejsize crater radii from the crater center. Return results as DataFrame with stats appended as extra columns. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame object Contains the crater locations and sizes to locate ROIs in aceDS. Also form the basis of the returned DataFrame cds : CraterpyDataset object CraterpyDataset of image data used to compute stats. ejrad : int, float The radius of ejecta blanket measured in crater radii from the crater center to the ejecta extent. buffer : int, float Extra buffer around crater rim to mask (multiplicative factor of crater radius). Defaults to 1 (no extra buffer). stats : Array-like of str Indicates the stat names to compute. Stat functions must be defined in Default: all stats in plot : bool Plot the ejecta ROI. vmin : int, float The minimum valid image pixel value. Filter all values lower. vmax : int, float The maximum valid image pixel value. Filter all values higher. strict : bool How strict the (vmin, vmax) range is. If true, exclude values <= vmin and values >= vmax, if they are specified. Returns ------- DataFrame Copy of df with stats appended as new columns. """ return compute_stats( df, cds, stats, plot, save, prefix, vmin, vmax, strict, maskfunc="ejecta", mask_out=True, ejrad=ejrad, buffer=buffer, verbosity=verbosity, )
# If stats and index not provided, assume use all stats and all rows in cdf # if stats is None: # stats = _list_quickstats() # # Initialize return Dataframe with stats as individual columns # ret_df = df.copy() # for stat in stats: # ret_df.loc[:, stat] = ret_df.index # latcol, loncol, radcol = ch.get_crater_cols(df) # # Main computation loop # for i in df.index: # # Get lat, lon, rad and compute roi for current crater # lat, lon, rad = df.loc[i, latcol], df.loc[i, loncol], df.loc[i, radcol] # croi = CraterRoi(cds, lat, lon, rad, ejrad) # mask = masking.crater_ring_mask(croi, rad, rad*ejrad) # croi.filter(vmin, vmax, strict) # croi.mask(~mask) # data_arr = croi.roi[~np.isnan(croi.roi)] # Collapses to 1D # for stat, function in _get_quickstats_functions(stats): # ret_df.loc[i, stat] = function(data_arr) # if plot: # plot filtered and masked roi # croi.plot() # return ret_df # Other statistics
[docs]def histogram( roi, bins, hmin=None, hmax=None, skew=False, verbose=False, **kwargs ): """ Return histogram, bins of histogram computed on ROI. See np.histogram for full usage and optional parameters. Set verbose=True to print a summary of the statistics. """ roi_notnan = roi[~np.isnan(roi)] roi_valid = roi_notnan[hmin <= roi_notnan <= hmax] hist, bins = np.histogram(roi, bins, range=(hmin, hmax), **kwargs) ret = [hist, bins] output = "Histogram with {} pixels total, \ {} pixels in [hmin, hmax] inclusive, \ {} nan pixels excluded, \ {} bins".format( len(roi), len(roi_valid), len(roi_notnan), len(bins) ) if skew: skewness = pd.DataFrame(roi.flatten).skew ret.append(skewness) output += ", {} skewness".format(skewness) if verbose: print(output) return ret